CNN, the Communist News Network is hard at work telling you the sky is falling. They are good at it.
Let's look at these two headlines:
"U.S., Iraqi death tolls head in opposite directions
The U.S. troop death toll in Iraq for July -- which rose to 73 on Tuesday -- is the lowest monthly total since November, reflecting military hopes that the recent troop buildup is making strides. However, the figure is nearly twice as high as in the same month last year, while Iraqi military and civilian fatalities jumped in July."
NO WAY SHOULD WE EVER FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE!!!! Let's make sure we point out "which rose to 73 on Tuesday"!
As opposed to Breitbart:
U.S. Toll in Iraq Lowest in 8 Months
Why do the Leftards fear this country....ooopppsss...I meant hate this country?
Government Racial Categories Are (at Best) Pointless
14 hours ago