My friend Henry over @ Seeing Is Believing just did a post on San Franfuckistan and how they celebrated the 4th of July and I just had to share.
"The Propaganda III show was holding its grand opening in the Phoenix Hotel, a former down-and-out Tenderloin motel that had been converted into a cultural hub and hipster hangout.
Hundreds upon hundreds of "propaganda posters" had been submitted, and since the shows philosophy was "NO curation and NO censorship," all the entries had been accepted. With so many to display, the organizers had to plaster practically the entire motel with art. What kind of art, you ask? Well let's take a gander, shall we, on this lovely July 4th. "
Make sure to not eat before looking at these, or at very least have a barf bag on hand.
Them Libtards sure do hate well educated minority women in places of power.
Yeah, fuck the laws of the country I have come to rape!!!!! Fuck 'em all!
I have an idea, save yourself,I hear Antarctica is lovely this time of year.
Oh, I get it now, this clearly shows that Bush is Hitler. Duh! Of course.
I just posted a few, and all the ones I posted were by Americans, you should see the ones by Iran...And I mean BY IRAN, not Iranians.
So there are hundreds of these pieces of shi...uh, art available for your viewing pleasure here. it's 9:40 am and I think I need a drink.
Corporate Welfare in the Federal Budget
14 hours ago