Stupid bitch, oooopppss, I mean Barbara Boxer has come out of her closet, er, corner.
"The junior senator from California on Wednesday stated publicly on national radio (the Ed Schultz Show) that in her view, impeachment of the president should be "on the table."
Why? The guy is fucking leaving in a year+. Get over it, how about trying to fight the global war we face? How about actually enforcing the laws on the books and booting the illegals, nailing the employers? How about cleaning up the assholes who rape the welfare system you so love Bahbwah?
Am I the only one absolutely sick beyond words of the Bush bashing hatred that seethes from the left that has blinded them to doing anything BUT bashing Bush? I thought this ass wipes were going to go in there and "fix stuff". It seems to me the only thing they are doing is trying to bash Bush.
NEWSFLASH IDIOT LEFTARD POLITICIANS: You are not running against Bush, he will be gone in about 17 months. Pull your heads from your sphincters and do your GD jobs.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Posted by Unknown at 7/12/2007 04:41:00 PM
Labels: screw liberals
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