Man do I love this guy. This man of the tent cities.
He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them.
He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails. Took away their weights. Cut off all but 'G' movies, Parent Trap anyone?
He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects. Then he started chain gangs for women so he wouldn't get sued for discrimination, which is brilliant.
He took away cable TV until he found out there was a federal court order that
required cable TV for jails. So he hooked up the cable TV again only let in the Disney Channel And The Weather Channel.When asked why the weather channel he replied,"So they will know how hot it's gonna be while they are working on my chain gangs.
He cut out coffee because it has no nutritional value. When the inmates complained, he told them, "This isn't the Ritz/Carlton. If you don't like it, don't come back."
He bought Newt Gingrich' lecture series on videotape that he pipes into the jails.
When asked by a reporter if he had any lecture series by a Democrat, he replied that a democrat lecture series might explain why a lot of the inmates were in his jails in the first place.
And now he's set up a rat on illegals hotline. Which of course has the illegal supporters all in a tizzy."Latino leaders and faith-based organizations in the U.S. state of Arizona want a local sheriff to disconnect the hot line he created for people to report information about illegal immigrants, saying it raises the chance of racial profiling.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Wednesday, however, that he would not disconnect the hot line, and stressed that deputies would investigate people only if authorities had probable cause."
Love him.
How Deporting Immigrants Harms American Workers
7 hours ago