Sunday, August 19, 2007

Jenn's Day Two In Londanistan

All right. Beside seeing magnificent ruins and an old growth forest with wild berries growing everywhere I did in fact spend some of yesterday, between 400 year old pubs and fish and chip shops, checking out the muzzie situation.

The place is crawling with them. There are also a LOT of Sikhs, in fact seen more of them than muzzies. Apparently the muzzies here all run stores called Perfect Fried Chicken or work in the chemist (pharmacy). If you want a perfect fried chicken leg and it must be Halal, that's the place to go.

Muzzie at the chemist, after hearing my accent and seeing my sparkling American Flag necklace, would not, for 1 million £ look me in the eye. I did however compliment her on her excellent choice in Burka's. Lovely black with black accents. I'm thinking of getting one in every shade of black. NOT.

I shall be going to Uptown Londanistan this evening and will be better able to assess the situation from there. I am on alert, they will not take me. (For the idiot Libtards who roll by here, this post is mostly a joke, relax.)

In other news...Minnie Abu Bu Hate Da Jew is showin' the love!

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Saturday that Israel was the standard bearer of Satan and the Jewish state would soon fall apart, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported.

The agency quoted Ahmadinejad as he spoke at a religious conference and did not elaborate on what he meant by Satan. Since the 1979 Islamic revolution, however, Iran has regularly referred to the United States as "the Great Satan."

Ah... isn't that nice.

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