Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Nappy Headed Ho" Kia Vaughn To Sue Don Imus

Seriously. I didn't even know this Kia Vaughn person's name until just now. But she, Kia Vaughn, is suing Don Imus for calling the Rutgers team Nappy Headed Ho's so she,Kia Vaughn, can "restore her name" according to the shyster lawyer who actually agreed to take this pathetic case. She, Kia Vaughn, of course seeks monetary damages. SHOCKING!

Newsflash: No one knew your name before Kia Vaughn, now they do. Good going Kia Vaughn, way to protect your name.

Can you, dear readers, imagine what would happen if I sued everyone who called me by a name other than my given one? I mean I have been called a cunt, a bitch, a traitor, a slut, a redneck worthless dick sucking ho. A terrorist, a hater, vermin. I have been sent e-mails that described in detail how they wanted to kill me and my family, one time they included my dog, another time my fish as well. Those were the nicer ones.

Gee, it would be refreshing to be called a nappy headed ho and in fact this humid weather has got me looking a bit nappy indeed. The Ho part is questionable at this time being a married lady and all.

Sticks and stones Ms. Vaughn. Sticks and stones.

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