Over here in England you can see even more clearly the impact of the "immigrant" on society. Where once there were nice clean council houses with lovely gardens and friendly neighbors, now there are derelict buildings, piss stained side walks, stairs and passages and thrash filled greens. Burnt out garages, garbage covered yards and blood stains in the street from fights.
Over the past two weeks I have been reading several newspapers when taking the train here and there. I especially like to read the letters or texts to the editors. And the common refrain I hear most often is when do "we" (the English) draw the line.
I hear ya England, while we aren't as bad in America as you lot, we are rapidly on our way. Abbey Wood was never Beverly Hills, but now it makes Compton look like paradise and it ain't the locals who made it this way.
Revisiting The Constitution of Liberty
9 hours ago