Sunday, September 30, 2007

Awe Shucks, I Got Me An Award

donkey ass,fuck liberals
I have been awarded the first annual “This Blog Kicks Donkey Butt” award By Bushwack over at American and Proud. I would like to thank the little people that made this moment possible:

Pelosi, Shehag, Murtha, Edwards, The Clinton family, Kucinich, Moonbats, Code Pink, Libtard trolls,the university system in America, the ACLU, Al and Jesse, Ward Churchill, Reid, CBS, NBC, CNN, Hippies, Socialists, PETA, Islamic Jihadi camel fuckers and of course Mahmoud "No gays here!" Ahmadinejad. I know I have left many out, but you're all so worthless it doesn't seem fair to waste my readers time with your names.

I am truly honored.

I have been told that I must pass this honor on to fellow bloggers who are worthy of this title, I do so now. It was very difficult to pick three fellow bloggers worthy of this title as there are far more than three.....

Lubbock Marine Parents: They may be a bi-partisan group, but their unending care and support for our troops make them without a doubt the opposite of anything that has sprung from the loins of the left in a long time. They deserve an award simply for the hard work they do to ensure our troops in harms way get the support they need from home. Now, go buy a dang cookbook from them, I bought two; one for me and one for a CHRISTMAS present. They are excellent and I even have a recipe in there(see page 57)!

Gawfer: Not only is this man a friend, he is also a true patriot. Gawfer has taken the true meaning of support the troops to the nth degree by not only supporting them in their daily battles via his blog, but showing them the respect and honor due to them when they make their final trip home. Gawfer has ridden with The Patriot Guard and been there to face the vile scum who would hurt families in pain and stood by those families. He is the kind of man that makes you remember what made this country what it is.

CI Report: MD man of mystery? Or possibly a plant from the former Soviet Union, the guy knows too much. He takes the fight to the next level by dealing with fact and common sense in a no nonsense manner.

There are so many that deserve this award. I am very picky on my blog roll as you can clearly see. Everyone of them deserves this award.

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