Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Give This Judge A Round Of Applause

"Anna Calixto went to court Friday seeking an order of protection from her husband, Fernando Calixto. Instead, she was told to go back to her native country of Nicaragua by Blount County Circuit Court Judge W. Dale Young."

Anna is an ILLEGAL.

"Hedy Weinberg, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Tennessee, said the charges raised by Calixto are alarming. “We start with the premise that a judge is not an immigration officer,” Weinberg said. “The court is where people go to seek justice. To throw out a request for an order of protection based on ethnicity is just wrong. “The allegations against this judge are serious — and he should be more concerned with justice than where someone was born.”
Weinberg said courts are required to treat everyone equally regardless of race, sex or ethnicity."

Newsflash you stupid ACLU piece of crap: ANNA is NOT an American. So butt the hell out. You work for the AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union, not the ILLEGAL FOREIGNERS.


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