Friday, September 28, 2007

I Love I.C.E.

"RENO, Nev — Federal agents raided 11 McDonald's restaurants in northern Nevada and made dozens of arrests Thursday as part of an investigation into illegal immigration.

The investigation began five months ago and was sparked by an identity theft complaint.

The raids drew immediate criticism from Reno Mayor Bob Cashell and activists, who estimated the number of arrests to be closer to 100.

The mayor joined a news conference area Hispanic leaders and members of the American Civil Liberties Union called in front of the federal courthouse late Thursday.

"We don't approve of the Gestapo methods ICE is using," said Gilbert Cortez, a Latino leader who urged Hispanic workers to stay home from work in protest Friday."

Oh I do.... this is exactly what WE THE PEOPLE have been asking for for the last decade or longer. Enforcement of the laws. Finally, FINALLY, the government is doing it's job and the ACLU has brass balls to be there in any capacity.

Can someone please explain to the ACLU that they are the AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union and not the Mexican anything. Boo frickin' hoo, kids were separated from parents. Who's fault is that? The parents. Now pack up your anchor babies and be gone from this place.

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