Saturday, September 01, 2007

Jenn's Pictures From England Part 1

So.....the one night in 15 days I did NOT go clubbing or to one of the numerous pubs scattered about, several that were older than my precious country, I decided to watch some telly and kick back with a few Strongbow and chill.

I must say, some of the TV shows in England were a bit much for my taste, and I am not talking about the idiotic soaps.

I thought about giving him a call but then considered what would happen if the PC police showed up at my mother-in-laws door.

I think I found Allah whilst in the mother land:

And what rewards shall ya'll be giving us? Jihad? Suicide bombings? Tacky Burka's?

Now how about some fine English Moonbats? These Lunarius Dipshitious were camped out across from the Houses of Parliment.

Yeah no war. That would be nice, try telling that to the Jihadi's.

Only in office a few weeks and the Moonbats already love him!

After pub Indian food/lager fiesta at Cousin Sam's Place.

Hubby, Me, Cousin Sam, Jo and Cousin Dow(Jo's BF).

And of course a little flag porn from me to you dear readers!

Found this sexy little number right outside the Charring Cross train station.

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