Thursday, September 27, 2007

Let The Infiltration Begin

Let me see if I've got this right. You can't sing about Santa, Rudolph or Silent Nights. No more Valentines Day candy. You've got Fall Festivals rather than Halloween parades. And yesterday some "civil rights" yahoo was crying about how it's racist to celebrate Columbus Day because Columbus was a whitey racist. Public schools, nursing homes, and government agencies, to name but a few have forbid employees and residents from saying Merry Christmas, singing Christmas songs or having traditional Christmas decorations. Easter bunnies, chicks and Jesus are taboo 365 days of the year,future generations will have "holiday eggs," "holiday bunnies" and "holiday crosses" but.......

"The "Five Pillars" of Islam – charity, fasting, prayer, belief and pilgrimage – are being taught to public school students in Nyssa, Ore., under the guise of world history..."

Now sure we've all seen a few of these stories on page 58 of some random ass newspapers, but let's take a look at what's really going on here.


"Schools are therefore fertile grounds where the seeds of Islam can be sowed inside the hearts of non-Muslim students.

First and foremost the Muslim students should establish themselves into a Muslim group (Muslim Students Association, Islamic Circle, Quran Study Group etc.) if they haven't yet instituted one.

The school newspaper is another effective way of doing Dawa. Muslim students are highly encouraged to become writers and editors of their school papers.

Encourage school libraries to shelf books and magazines on Islam written by Muslims, and to provide the librarian with a list of recommended books on Islam. If the library is unwilling to purchase the books themselves, Muslim students should raise funds amongst themselves and from their parents and come up with the required books."

Scary much?

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