Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Nanny State Republicans/Drunken Brawls

Kevin Faulconer, who was at one time my council member here in San Diego has moved to the dark side. Bastard.

Yesterday in PB (Pacific Beach) a bunch of a-holes from the ghetto hit our local beaches and got jiggy with it. They got their booze on and in the end started a melee of epic proportions. Nothing new.

The south county and east county losers flock to the beaches every major holiday and bring with them their knives, guns, gang insignias and bad attitudes. It's gotten worse the last few years. We usually head to the mountains to camp. This was actually the first year in the last 5 I was at home for Labor Day. The reason we opted out was these very people and the fact that as we got older the whole "tit's out/beer bonging" party hardy craziness of Memorial, the 4th and Labor Day just got old.

Now because a few drunk (in reality most are high on other substances) idiots got a bit out of control, Faulconer wants booze banned 100% at our beaches. They have been trying this for years and the people have spoken repeatedly AGAINST a ban. Now Faulconer has jumped on the bandwagon.

My response: Kiss my ass Faulconer. You are not our parent, nor are you god. Beer, beside being an essential part of life as we know it, is a LEGAL substance. I should be able to take a few brews down to MY public beach and pound 'em. Any frickin' time I want. Suck it Kevin; try tackling the freakin' pot holes the size of Guatemala and the damn sanctuary city bullshit in National City.

I loathe nanny stater's and Republican ones the most. It goes against everything I believe in.

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