Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Nukes and Muzzies and Death By Lead, Oh My!

You've got nukes on the loose:"B-52 was loaded with Advanced Cruise Missiles as part of a program to decommission 400 of them; however, the warheads, attached to the missiles, should have been removed before the plane took off.

The paper also reported that the mistake was not discovered until the B-52 landed at Barksdale, meaning the military did not officially know the location of the warheads for the 3 1/2-hour flight."

Iran sucking: "Rents are soaring, inflation has been hovering around 17 percent and 10 million Iranians live below the poverty line. The police shut down 20 barbershops for men in Tehran last week because they offered inappropriate hairstyles and women have been banned from riding bicycles in many places, as a crackdown on social freedoms presses on." Oh, wait, that's not news.

Muslims want to kill Americans: "German authorities have said three terror suspects planned "massive" attacks on an airport and US military base which could have been bigger than the London and Madrid bombings.
Police escort suspect from court German Federal Prosecutor Monika Harms said the three had procured 700kg of hydrogen peroxide for making explosives." I know, I couldn't believe the suspects arrested were Muzzies either. I MEAN THEY'RE PEACEFUL RIGHT?

And China continues to send us more worthless crap: "Tens of thousands of condoms provided free by the District to curb HIV-AIDS have been returned to the health department because of complaints that their paper packaging is easily damaged and could render the condoms ineffective. In addition, expiration dates on some of the Chinese-made condoms were illegible."

"The Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with Mattel Inc., announced late Tuesday that it is recalling about 700,000 Chinese-made toys that have excessive amounts of lead paint." Kill us with poisoned food, bad toothpaste, bald tires, dangerous lead covered toys and bunk condoms. Nice.

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