Thursday, September 06, 2007

Republican Culture Of Corruption?

Those who live in glass houses...yadda,yadda,yadda.

"Federal agents arrested 11 New Jersey public officials and a citizen Thursday in connection with a federal corruption probe." Did I mention they were Demo-Rats?

"Former New Mexico Treasurer Michael Montoya pleaded guilty Thursday to a state racketeering charge for his role in a kickback scheme...."

"Norman Hsu, the bigtime Democratic Party fundraiser who was a fugitive from a pending prison term for years while raising money for prominent Democrats including Sen. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, failed to appear for a bail hearing in Redwood City, Calif." Funny, the left went bat shit on Abramoff, but remain eerily quiet on old Hsu here.

"Hawaii is perhaps the only state where a convicted child molester is being systematically and publicly protected by the highest levels of the majority political party." That political party would be the Democrat Party.

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