So this is going to be a rant.
The Moonbats and the left as a whole are going bat shit crazy mad over President Bush vetoing SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program.)The problem being Bush didn't think the extra like 35 billion the Dems wanted to add was needed.
Poor little kids will be left uninsured by big old mean ass Bush-Hitler-McChimpy-Burton. It's all his fault, he's a mean bastard. Yeah, whatever.
When the fuck will people realize they need to be self sufficient? One of the sob stories brought forth in the ABC "News" report was this tender touching story:
"Tobi Drabcyk, who lives with her husband and four children in Walkersville, Md., said she would not be able to afford health care for her children unless they were covered by SCHIP.
"We are a family of six," she said. "My husband works full time as a maintenance supervisor at an apartment community. If we paid for insurance through his work, it would cost us $700 to $1,000 a month. My husband's salary is only $36,000 a year, and we can't afford private insurance. It would almost be food off of our table."
Well why the hell are you a family of six? Heard of birth control sweety? You can't afford kids? Don't frickin' have them.
Yesterday a bunch of rich people in La Jolla California (my town) lost their homes because mother nature had had enough and a hillside went capooey. Before the dust settled, the La Raza membership card carrying "City" Attorney Mike Aguirre and the homeowners were crying foul and promising lawsuits.
What? You rich fucks don't have insurance? You want to sue the taxpayers for your stupidity for buying a house an a hill made of compressed sand?
What is happening to this country? When did "we" all become such pussies? Do we need the government to babysit us and hold our hands now? Pansies. We're becoming pansies.
Schools shunning secular holidays like Halloween in favor of "Fall Festivals" so as not to offend....OFFEND WHO? Who ARE these a-holes that are offended by a SECULAR holiday, a fun, happy holiday for kids?
Freak Democratic Presidential candidates that somehow think wearing a pin of the flag of this country is wrong.
Cities now dictating that you can't consume legal products in your own home. "Lawmakers in two California cities are discussing unprecedented legislation this month that would widen a growing voluntary movement by landlords and resident associations to ban smoking inside apartments and condos."
China is trying to kill us and we just keep sending them cash.
Our borders are not secure, we are being invaded by hoards of criminals. Muslims are trying to kill us and anyone not Muslim across the world and we still want to be friends with the likes of Ahmadinejah?
Dude....where's my country? (See now I'm quoting Michael Moore....hell, meet hand basket.)
Assessing the Nuclear Triad
23 hours ago