Blame Whitey? Nah, I don't think so. This is just so vile, I'll let the story speak for itself.
"A recent incident at the elementary school on the Grambling State University campus that resulted in a noose hanging around a small child's neck has left university officials scrambling for answers.
kindergarten and first-grade students at Alma J. Brown Elementary will always remember the day they marched for equality. The children marched in protest of the imprisonment of Mychal Bell, and the seemingly racial bias shown toward blacks in a small Louisiana town."
LaGrande wrote that while the students "marched," they actually only circled their playground with their teachers during the event.
"Before marching, the students were taught about racism," LeGrande wrote. "They also learned about the events surrounding the 'Jena Six' and their arrest."
According to the article, teachers had a replica noose and explained why it is such a symbol of racism. They also allowed the children to carry chains and shackles.
The Gramblinite's Web site Friday included a comment from a woman who identified herself as Irene Booker. She said in her posted comment, "Yes, it was a rope around the little girl's neck. It was a (safe) demonstration as to what the rope symbolized to blacks."
Show of hands people: Who thinks this little girl will have a twisted view of whites.
Assessing the Nuclear Triad
16 hours ago