Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Democracy At Work: NY Illegal Licences Dropped

Glorious, this is exactly how democracy works. We the people hire politicians to do a job with our vote. When they are doing their job badly, We the People, their bosses, must correct the bad behavior.

Perfect example:
"New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer on Wednesday dropped a controversial plan to issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants because of overwhelming opposition to the policy.

"I've concluded that New York state cannot conduct this program on its own," Spitzer said at a Capitol Hill news conference. "It does not take a stethoscope to hear the pulse of New Yorkers on this topic."

No Elliot, it does not take a stethoscope, with you it apparently takes a bullhorn, but I think you've got it now. We the People don't want to award criminal invaders, and I just don't know how we can possibly say it louder.