Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Illegals: Do The Drunk Driving and Killing Americans Won't Do


"An illegal immigrant is accused of driving drunk in Boone over the Thanksgiving holiday and plowing into a sport utility vehicle, killing a man inside.

Boone police said Juan Manuel Juarez Reyes slammed into the rear of a Lexus SUV that was about to turn from Highway 105 onto Poplar Hill Drive shortly before 11 p.m. Friday. The SUV was skidded 250 feet, hitting a Watauga County deputy’s patrol car. The occupants of the SUV were trapped inside their vehicle but the deputy was not hurt.

Authorities said Monday that Juarez Reyes was caught in the country by Border Patrol agents in 2002 and was sent back to Mexico. They aren’t sure when he re-entered the United States."

Of course they aren't aware when he re-entered; our borders are a fucking joke.

Not to be out done by his compadre:

"Carmelo Salas, 28, was charged with murder in the deaths of Stephanie Cervantez, 14, and her 4-year-old cousin, Jacklin Munguia-Herrera, for allegedly running a stop sign in East Oakland and crashing his Ford Expedition sport utility vehicle into a Ford Mustang carrying the victims about 7:20 p.m. Thursday.

Salas fled after the crash at 89th Avenue and D Street but was arrested early the next morning, police said.

Salas was also charged with two counts of assault by means likely to produce great bodily injury for hurting Jacklin's mother, Laura Herrera, 23, who was driving the Mustang, and Herrera's daughter, Evalyn Munguia, 3. Both Herrera and Munguia remain hospitalized in critical condition, authorities said.

Salas was also charged with kidnapping his nephew to ride with him in the SUV, Chu said. The nephew feared for his safety because he knew Salas could be "volatile" when he was drinking."

Oh and by the way, this "volatile" bastard was here illegally.