I love this guy! LOVE HIM!!!!! Now that's some balls!
"Threats of murder. Fears of riots and religious violence. Demands for censorship. Politicians in hiding, fearing for their lives. A government preparing for the worst.
It's happening right now in a most unlikely place ... the Netherlands, once regarded as Europe's quietest and most stable nation.
And it's all happening because of a 10-minute movie that hasn't even been made yet.
It's the work of Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, who calls his movie "a call to shake off the creeping tyranny of Islamicization." Wilders plans to present it to his country on television sometime next month."
Geert Wilders, props to you my Nederlander bro; you are hard core man. Doing the job of facing up to the threat of Islam that most of Europe and Americans won't do.
Assessing the Nuclear Triad
23 hours ago