I am truly honored that Paul Ibbetson, a host at Blog Talk Radio, is dedicating a song to little old me!
Radio Team Ibbetson has created a Ron Paul theme song and I am going to dedicate it to you for all your Paultarding that you have faithfully done this election season! This coming Thursday 9:00 p.m. CT. Straight Talk Radio P.S. all real men have (Paul) at the front end of their names!"
I would like to thank all the Paultards that made this moment possible. A special SHOUT OUT to the Paultard who keeps TRYING to hang his Ron Paul R"love"ution banner from the La Jolla Village Drive overpass. You have given me a whole new use for my bonsai sheers.
As always join me tonight for an hour of kvetching @ 5 Pacific/8 Eastern Screw Liberals Radio. Call In: (646)478-5334
Assessing the Nuclear Triad
11 hours ago