Ah.. to be a Moonbat! One of my Moonbat stalkers sent me some love yesterday, thought I'd share some of it with you all for some Friday Funnies!
"NEO-LIBERALS SUCK, not liberals, not democratic-socialists.
Bet you did not know your hero Reagan wasa neo-liberal.
Jenn, your a LIB!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway, America is united against neo-liberalism, which in some circles has been called neo-conservatism, all the same thing. In summary : profits over people.
Both conservatives and democratic-socialists are fully against military adventures for oil, which is exactly what this war is. Anyone versed in the world will tell you exactly what I'm telling you. America is moving past lib lib lib lib lib lib lib , your stuck in 1994. We are wising up, to the dangers of neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism
Something to think about Jenn. The Iraqi war....... Why was it the biggest mistake EVER. CHINA, watch and learn.........
china funded the entire Iraqi war, every cent..... China is also moving ahead in alternative energy, from outer space. Mining for energy on the moon is the wave of the future. China is making huge advanvces in this field. China understood America was interested in Iraq for the oil, and gladly funded the war and let us borrow close to a trillion dollars!!!!!!!!!! So now, by the time we pay them off, China will be leading the world in alternative energy, mining energy from the Moon......... China got the checkmate....
within 20 years, China will be on the moon mining for energy, we will be left behind, paying them back for the Iraq war. You will one day wake to reality, like a slap in the face, and realize, (*Moonbats name here) was not 100% right, 10000% right."
See. MOONbat.
Housing, Building Codes, and State-Level Reform
11 hours ago