Yes, folks, one hour of my life I can never get back, I am watching The View because I am interested in what Obama is saying to our favorite gals. I don't know why I am bothering. Live blogging The View.
Babs asks Obama,"Senator Obama, you once said about the Don Imus nappy headed ho controversy, that you would immediately fire a person who worked for you that said something so horrible, so vile. Yet you still got to the TUCC"
His response,"Well Wright is retired". Then goes off on some rambling nonsense about how he's a really sweet guy and he never heard him say mean things and basically once more defends the guy. He's just," caught in a time warp."
Now Whoopie just asked him what would be the first three things he would do when he gets into office, Obama says immediately pull out of Iraq. Immediately.
Then he says he will give EVERYONE health care.
Now he is saying we make Russia and Iran richer by buying gas. And basically talks about global warming and how we suck blah, blah, blah. Wow, where the hell is he going to get this money?
Now Joy Behar is talking about the Republican attack machine. How Obama can handle it. Screw her. She also is talking about how poor sweet John Kerry was swift boated.
Now he's talking about his wonderful newly proud of this country wife. She's just so cool!
Sherry says she was a Hillary supporter but now wants to campaign for Obama. She then asks him if he thinks the fight is dirty. He says no. LOL. Now he is saying they were friends before this "contest" started and will be friends after this "contest" ends. Then says he will be friends with John McCain when he beats him.
Poor Elizabeth is being ignored....finally she asks about taxes. Obama says he would like to keep taxes are the same but wealthy Americans need to pay more. Roll back Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy. Make 'em pay!!!!
Bab's asks about bailing out homeowners....he quotes McCain,"we don't want to award bad behavior". But it's the banks fault for most people he says... so basically....and the show is over so he doesn't have to finish answering. But we all know what his answer is.
What an ass. He would NOT really answer the questions asked, and some were pretty good. Nothing but typical Barack Obama. All fluff no substance. All right that was my The View watching allotment for the year. Wheeeeew, now I need to go shower and cleanse the dirty feeling it's left me after watching all that fawning. Icky poodles.
53 happy memories upon turning 53
1 day ago