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In other news, anyone hear about the Jewish man attacked by a mob of Muslims screaming Allahu Akbar? Nope, neither did I until one of my commenter's here, Wit, pointed it out.
"On March 19th, I found a story on The Jerusalem Post detailing an attack by Muslim youths on a rabbinical assistant that occurred at a Brooklyn, New York subway station. The youths grabbed Uria Ohana's yarmulke off his head then ran off yelling "Allahu Akbar," which is Arabic for "God is great." I have waited four days to report this story myself to see what other news outlets decide to cover the incident and how they would cover it. So far, the only U.S. news outlet that covered it was the New York Post. It has been nearly ignored by the rest of the media.
The dearth of coverage is curious because it seems a natural story for the left to get their "hate crimes" dander worked up over. After all, we have a Muslim gang attacking a lone Jew right in the middle of Brooklyn! Yet, the news gives us zip for coverage."
Shocked? I'm not. The rabid anti-Jewish MSM just loathes any bad press their Muslim brothers might get and ignores the stories out of hand.
53 happy memories upon turning 53
1 day ago