Today is national Embrace a Moonbat Day. Please take a moment out of your busy schedule to find the nearest Moonbat and show them some love.
Sit with your Moonbat and discuss feelings, angst and well...feelings. When you're done with that, take them out for a non-fat soy latte in a recycled paper cup with a 100% bear poop composite stir stick. Followed up by a rousing game of pin the grenade to the Neo-Con! Don't forget to blame Bush for_________________! It would also be a good idea if you took your Moonbat to the local car wash for a bath, patchouli can be irritating to their tender welfare check collecting derrières.
Then, as your day winds down tuck your little Moonbat in bed with a sweet bedtime story full of Bush/Cheney impeachments and/or your favorite Alex Jones quotes on tape.
Ah....Happy Embrace A Moonbat Day!
Shamelessly stolen from Gawfer!
Housing, Building Codes, and State-Level Reform
15 hours ago