I am currently sacrificing myself again on the alter of Liberalism to bring you news from The View.
I forced myself to watch this farce when Barack Obama was on a few weeks ago, I figured it would be interesting to see how it differed with John McCain on.
10:20 AM: So far they have just done the opening blah blah fest where they say a lot of nothing. The did mention John McCain like once, but mainly are still talking about how totally awesome The Messiah, AKA Barack Obama was/is. I can actually see the drool.
10:23: With little preamble, here comes McCain. McCain is forced to hug Joy Behar.. someone get the Lysol. Whoopie has renamed McCain "Jack Mac". So he starts of talking about the Mormon compound in Texas.
10:27: Right to the hard ball questions that were totally NOT present in the Obama interview. Right to Iraq. McCain looks a lot more chill than Obama did. He's handling the questions quite well. But these are WAY more hardball questions and they are hammering him. Obama got marshmallow's.
Joy asks if he is going to ask for a draft. Then bitches at him about why they keep going back. Elizabith just sits there like a lump on a log. Someone needs to Donald Trump her ass: you're fired!
10:32: So, Elizabeth brings up the 100 year quote. Great. He explains once more about having a presence there. I mean come on DUH. it's old already.
Now Joy has to bring up George Bush, says she is one of the worst president EVER... now she runs with him and says "How are you different?" It's a good question, but she's so angry with him, you cab practically see the steam coming rom her ears.. It's really ridiculous how hard they are being on McCain and how soft they were with Obama. No, no media bias here.
10:35: McCain gets a bit wishy washy on the illegal immigration issue. Comprehensive "plan" blah blah. But MUST SECURE BORDERS. Yes John must.
10:40: Whoopie, who has been quiet, asks if he would boycott the opening of the Olympics. He says yes, he would, the opening.Cina is a superpower and they should NOT be acting like this. Now she asks him the first three things he'd do when he gets elected question which is the same she asked Obama.
1) National security. Top priority.
2) The economy, how can we ease taxes and provide incentives. Secured loans for homeowners. Hmmm.
3) Help our youth serve this nation. Not juts in the military. But peace corp, volunteering, serve the nation in good.
Much better answer than Obama's cut and run.
Elizabeth brings up the possibility of Condi for VP. He denies it. Joy asks him about his going to strip clubs. Really appropriate. The lack of respect from her is kinda annoying. Come on John get pissy and slap Joy.
10:52: Whoopie asks why John McCain he didn't vote for MLK day. Gotta get the race thing in. His reasoning, federal holidays cost a lot. But he said he's changed his mind now and that he is a man worth honoring.(Panderer.)
Joy then out of nowhere just says..."So do you admit now it was a mistake to go into Iraq." McCain,"No." John says he'll get Osama if elected.LOL. JOHN OSAMA IS DEAD!!! Whoopie just sits there shaking her head. The disdain for McCain is palpable.
It's really disgusting how they treated John versus how they treated Obama, but I think he actually did pretty well. He didn't even grind his teeth as much as usual, and in this case he really had reason. Joy was by far the most repugnant, but they all seemed on the attack. Watch out girls, your biased lefty agenda is showing like a cheap slip.
All right. That's it folks....no more, I can't handle it again. At least for a year.
We'll discuss it tonight on Screw Liberals Radio @ 5 pacific/8 Eastern. Click Here!
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