Via Hot Air.
Chris Matthews had his opportunity to offer remembrances of his colleague, Tim Russert, on Countdown with Keith Olbermann last night, and used it to give an anti-war screed. Even worse, he made Russert out to be a dupe bamboozled by the Bush administration while presenting himself as a superior journalist. Just watch it:
Even Keith Olbermann knew better than to go there, changing the subject quickly after Matthews’ rant. He provided a moment of irony later when the two most biased “journalists” on television heralded Russert’s objectivity as if they understood what the word meant. Neither Olbermann or Matthews could carry Russert’s shoes, and Matthews in particular proved why last night.
One might be tempted to give Matthews a pass, as the shock of his friend’s passing had to be hard on him, and one could see the pain. However, Matthews makes clear that he deliberately chose to make this point, leading with, “This might be tricky,” and later saying that he had spent two hours preparing for the delivery of this anecdote. The choice of casting Russert as a dupe within hours of his death was deliberate.
Assessing the Nuclear Triad
16 hours ago