Thursday, June 26, 2008

Racism, A True Story

So.... My husband and I were chillin' on the patio tonight having a beer and talking about our day.

I was telling him about the whitey hating psycho's on Blog Talk Radio. About how because they assume I am white they can just unleash their hatred and racism on me. How 99.9% of them are Obama supporters. And how much it concerns me that these fuckers can vote.

Then we started talking about politically correct BULLSHIT. Which I loathe with the passion of a thousand suns.

My dear husband brough up a point I had not thought of before which both made me laugh and made me cringe.

Here in America, we have African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Native Americans, Muslim-Americans....pretty much every hyphenation you can think of.

And as the 4th of July approaches I tend to give my English husband a lot of shit about how we whooped those English bastards and stole the best country in the world.

And he said....,"Ever heard of a hyphenated Englishman".

Holy Hops and Barley.... he was right. As much as I mock Englanistan, has anyone ever heard of a Pakistani-Brit/English dude???? Or a Somali-Enlander? Or a Iraqi-Eglican?

To quote my English husband...YOU ARE EITHER ENGLISH OR YOU ARE NOT.

Amen brother.

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