Sunday, August 17, 2008

Obama Vs. McCain - Winner? McCain

Well folks we've seen a preview of the upcoming debates and it looks REALLY good for McCain.

Simply put, Barack Obama CANNOT speak without a teleprompter shoved under his nose.

This man is running for the position of President of the United States, and he can't even answer a simple question what point he believes life begins.

His answer:“above my pay grade.” Uh, Obama do you mean that you don't even know what your own values and morals are????

When asked if Evil existed?


Obama:"“A lot of evil’s been perpetuated based on the claim that we were fighting evil.” WE ARE FIGHTING EVIL YOU STUPID SH*T FOR BRAINS.

Holy hops and Barley I weep for this nation if this nincompoop is elected.

My favorite part....."Asked to name three wise people they would listen to, Obama named his wife, Michelle; his maternal grandmother, who lives in Hawaii;" Yes, the wife who only recently became proud of her country and the grandmother he threw under the bus months ago. Keep it classy O.

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