Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Paris Hilton, Barack Obama and Al Gore: OH MY

So Paris Hilton fired back at the "wrinkly old guy", John McCain, through a hilarious mock ad for her mock presidential campaign. McCain used the likeness of Hilton and Britney Spears to poke fun at The Obamessiah's disciples.

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

I stated before and will reiterate, that I stand by McCain with his add. It was straightforward and 100% correct. Who knew Hilton could be actually funny, rather than a subject of mockery.

Her "plan", like McCain's focuses on drilling and alternative sources. Great so she agrees with McCain. His plan is sensible and pretty straight forward.

Barack Obama's plan seems to change with the polls, so it seems he clearly learned SOMETHING from the Clinton's. Oh and don;t forget to inflate those tires!

Then we have the Democrat Congress Critters going on their little summer vacation while the Republicans TRY to force them back for a simple YES/NO VOTE. It's a great thiong they are doing and as Michelle Obama would say,"For the first time in my life I am proud of my Congressmen..." or something like that.

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This is an exciting time and the GOP is finally getting their butts in gear. We may not stand behind McCain as President but out Reps. are our employee's and folks they are finally working for us!

So anyway on a side note....all this talk about environmentalism,energy and "saving the planet" of course brings you inevitably to The Goracle. What's the Goracle up to this summer? I am sure he is off hand-making compact fluorescent bulbs, single handedly rescuing drowning polar bears and growing renewable cavas shopping bags in his back yard. RIGHT?

Nah....He's tooling around in the B.S. ONE: "In an amazing display of conspicuous consumption, even for Al Gore, his new 100-foot houseboat is creating a critical buzz among many of his former congressional constituents. Dubbed “Bio-Solar One,” which may reflect some latent Air Force One envy, Gore has proudly strutted the small-town dock claiming that his monstrous houseboat is environmentally friendly.

When the solar panels are installed the Gore boat could power itself and “most of the dock” according to Austin. In the meantime, however, Gore is plugged into the dock as his primary power source.

Let’s not forget: Gore made similar claims about the environmental benefits of the solar panels and other “green” additions he made to his 10,000 square foot home. In fact, his “energy efficient” renovations to his home actually INCREASED his electrical consumption by 10% rather than producing the promised reductions. Ultimately, Gore’s water-based excursions on his giant houseboat may prove more environmentally friendly than his fleet of limos, his private jets or his mansion. Perhaps the B.S. One will never live up to its nickname, but the jet ski on the boat is clearly powered by something other than solar or bio-diesel."

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