6:04- Jim is wearing a politically correct both red and blue tie.
6:05- Obama comes out with the fake "good to see you." McCain doesn't. Nice.
6:06- Obama up first, is wasting his two minutes thanking everyone. Yup brought up the "Great Depression" ...take a drink each time he refers to our downfall. We gotta make sure we're helping homeowners? There you go... the Blame Bush moment.
6:08- McCain up, throws out his love to Kennedy(gag, Kennedy was rushed to the hospital earlier.) McCain seems a little uncomfortable. Now he's kinda explaining why he went back, and ignoring Obama's stab at hm and the Bush administration. Mistake.
6:11- Do you stand for this plan? Obama claims HE'S the one who wanted oversight on Fran and Fred. LOL. See video on post below. McCain says YES he will vote for the plan. Straight up. Now he's talking about Eisenhower. Again, McCain seems uncomfortable. Obama is nailing McCain. Fact.
6:15- McCain needs to HAMMER Obama on who's fault this was. Hell I could do it. Brit Hume did it on his show yesterday. Not that what he's saying is wrong, but he keeps letting Obama get away with false digs. I wanna hear a,"HEY BARRY, you are wrong."
6:20- McCain is waking up. Yes...he's bitch slapping him on the earmarks. Obama started him..um um um's. YES... McCain brings up all the NEW spending Obama has proposed. Uh Oh, Obama is getting pissy. Direct hit by McCain. Obama cannot make a single point without referring to Bush. Good point McCain on the business tax making businesses move overseas. No new taxes. Obama is stuttering now.
6:25- Once again Obama brings up the "95% of you will get tax cuts". That's false. McCain is not letting it go. He's making good points. Obama is getting madder. John is waking up and having a good time now.
6:28- Question, what will you give up to pay for the 700 million. Obama is giving a really long non answer. Brings up energy independence. His time line is ridiculous, 10 years to be off Middle East oil??? See here he says we need to invest, in schools. That means MORE MONEY. So basically he can't answer the question. In fact he's listing all the things he's NOT going to give up.
6:32- McCain...We need to cut spending. "Obama has the most liberal voting record in the congress, it's hard to reach across the isle that far to the left." Great line. He's actually saying what we need and how to cut it.
6:34- J-J-J-J-J-JIM.. that's not what I said Jim. Jim just slapped Obama. Now obama agree's with McCain. Sweet. All right enough Obama. John's turn.
6:36- John brings up a spending freeze. Interesting idea. Hatchet would be good right now. See here goes Obama on what he wants to spend more money on. John actually talking about nuke power and creating jobs. Neither one has really answered the question.
6:37- Jim is getting pissy, they will NOT answer his question. Take a drink Obama just mentioned the "Great Depression" once again. And STILL has not answered the question.
McCain makes sure to mention how Obama wants to socialize our health care. Key difference between the two... McCain clearly wants to end the spending and Obama wants to spend. Once more, take a drink... Obama is comparing him to Bush once more. Obama is a 1 trick pony.
Finally McCain is making it clear where he stands DIFFERENTLY than Bush. Good.
6:41- Now to Iraq. McCain admits the mishandling and how he was for the troop surge.
Obama the question is on Iraq not the dead Osama. I'm gonna get piss drunk if I drink every time Obama throws out Bush's name. NOW here goes McCain.. he is BITCH SLAPPING HIM NOW!!! Problem is... Jim is letting Obama talk and talk and talk.. and cuts off John. BULLSHIZZ.
6:47- Don't even pretend you give crap about the troops Obama. This is getting ridiculous.... Obama can go on and on and on....McCain needs to acknowledge the false BS Obama is spewing.
6:54- If McCain isn't allowed to talk and have the same amount of time as Obama I'm gonna explode. Obama is just going on and on and ON again. Is it me or is Obama slipping into his Muslim accent when he is saying Pakistan and Taliban.
6:55- Nice John. No war with Pakistan. Like Obama wants. Finally calls Obama out on this Pakistan issue. Excellent. Excellent John. Go to the people. Good plan.. yes the hotel bombing was just like Spain. And he calls Obama on the fact that we HAVE increased troops.
LIAR... Obama in his own words:"If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will," Obama said."
7:01- McCain is now outlining his stances. And well. Makes Obama look like a neophyte. He HAS record, Obama doesn't. Oh McCain I have a bracelet too. Neener Neener Neener. Like Obama gives a flying poop about our troops.
7:06- Now to Iran. McCain up first. "We cannot have another Holocaust". Takes aims at Russia now. Good. He's right. Russia is not working with us, but against. League of Democracies. Same as Coalition of the willing? Good calling out Iran.
Obama.. did he just admit Iran was working to a nuclear weapon? Finally. Obama wants to hang out with China? North Korea?
7:10- McCain calls Obama on legitimizing Ahmadinejad. Sweet. Now Obama get's 20 minutes to answer back. McCain calls Obama on his lie and then Obama says.. of course not... bag of poop. And the can of wup ass is opened. Loo loo lool look... Obama it's WHAT YOU SAID. LIAR.
HENRY KISSINGER, 56TH SECRETARY OF STATE: One of the problems early in an administration is a jockeying for position among various advisers who come in with strong opinions and then the president winds up in the position of adjudicating practical disputes that arise.
SESNO: Competition within the administration, imagine that, right?
KISSINGER: Well, competition is good. But it has to be resolved in -- to lead in an agreed direction so that...
AMANPOUR: And what...
KISSINGER: And then we can talk with conviction to the rest of the world. I agree with what my colleagues have said about the importance of reaching out to the rest of the world."
Not quite "without preconditions" Obama.
7:21- Now to Russia. McCain is calling Obama on his naivete on the Russia/Georgia war. Great line... McCain,"I looked in to Putin's eyes and I saw three letters, a K a G and a B.
7:24- McCain schooled his ass on Russia. LIAR... Obama's claiming he "immediately called for an end to the fighting". That is NOT what happened. He just called for "restraint".
Obama has no clue. He's talking about energy again??? Obama keeps talking over McCain. Can't control himself. We want a man like that with his finger on the button?
7:28- Question what is the chance of another 9/11. McCain we are safer than we were before 9/11. He brings up his DIFFERENCES from this admin. Excellent.
7:29- LOL.... sure Obama we can control ALL THE TERRORISTS in the world by cutting our military/nukes. Ass. Here he goes again... more spending. Is he even saying anything? I mean he bounces all over the place.
Yup...knew Obama couldn't resist talking about how the rest of the world hates us.
Mccain gave Barry the cold shoulder after the debate. Sweet.
Wrap Up. 75% to McCain- 25% to Obama. What do YOU think? (Just checked Drudge and it looks like I called it.)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Debate '08: Live Blogging- McCain Vs. Obama
Posted by Unknown at 9/26/2008 05:23:00 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, election 2008, John McCain
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