Monday, September 01, 2008

Leftist Protesters Turn Violent At RNC:UPDATED

UPDATED: There is protesting, then there is anarchy. I was just watching the news, Fox news because they are the only ones showing it, and was disgusted. People just for the hell of it destroying property rampantly. And already the kook leftists are screaming police brutality. It's sick. This is not "harmelss" hippies,"....members of either the Alabama or Connecticut delegation were caught up in the skirmishes when rocks and feces were thrown at their bus." Rocks and feces??? WTF?
Just as I predicted.

"Protesters smashed windows, punctured car tires and threw bottles Monday during an anti-war march to the site of the Republican National Convention."

Protesters kick a Republican.

Local Police up in Minnesotastan also arrested a bunch of nutters this past weekend, confiscating from a group called the RNC Welcoming Committee; baseball bats, gallons of urine (EEEWWWW), bricks, rocks, sling shots, arrows, knives, flammable liquids,homemade caltrops (which are devices used to puncture bus tires), bolt cutters, sledgehammers, protective padding and plastic buckets that were cut into shields and more. But you know, they're all just harmless hippies.

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