BUSTED:"A collaborative investigative effort by our friends at The Jawa Report to expose an apparently astroturfed, anti-Sarah Palin smear campaign seems to have caused late-night panic in Barack Obama-linked p.r. circles." FREAK OUT!
Russia sends ships on exercises in U.S. 'backyard'- fecking Commie bastages.
Palin Derangement Syndrome (PDS) persists:'Saturday Night Live' skit suggests Sarah's husband guilty of incest
Israel...doing the job America won't do:"Iran is halfway to a nuclear bomb, and Hizbullah, Hamas and Syria are using this period of relative calm to significantly rearm, Brig.-Gen. Yossi Baidatz, the Military Intelligence's head of research, told the cabinet Sunday during a particularly gloomy briefing on the threats facing the country."
How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis....You KNOW it.
Assessing the Nuclear Triad
19 hours ago