This morning I was reading my favorite part of the paper, the letters to the editor, and there was a letter from a dude who was whining that his Obama sign kept getting stolen and said it was the typical violent suppression/rage from the right. I spit my orange juice out into the flower bed. He's got to be kidding me.
Michelle Malkin saved me a lot of time with her lefty hate-a-palooza article she wrote this morning.
THE LEFT are the ones torching recruitment centers.
THE LEFT are the ones burning President Bush in effigy, making movies about his assassination, advocating his assassination, calling for his and Cheney's lynching.
THE LEFT are the ones threatening to kick a Vice Presidential candidates ass (Madonna) or have her "raped by her black brothers"(Sandra Bernhard).
The LEFT are the ones with websites like the one dedicated to making fun of Trig, Gov. Palin's few month old down syndrome child. Or advocating aborting her. Taking on her 17 year old daughter. Threatening to shoot Gov. Palin.
THE LEFT are the one indoctrinating their children into their cult of hatred, in fact telling their children to kill the President.
The Left are the ones barging into GOP offices and punching out officials, slashing tires, throwing pies, assaulting police officers, committing property damage, bodily harm, throwing maltov cocktails at people's homes, felony theft, stalking, even attempted murder.
THE LEFT are like this....."What I've written on this site about Palin so far has been pretty restrained, considering what I feel for her privately could be described as violent, nay, murderous, rage. When Palin spoke on Wednesday night, my head almost exploded from the incandescent anger boiling in my skull. And I'm not the only one! I had simultaneous IM conversations with many friends, who said things like, "she seems like a fucking monster" and "this feminist wants to murk that idiotic cunt."
Are there those on the right who go too far. Yes, but while looking I could find scant examples. And not one could I find actually calling for the death of an elected leftard official.
THE LEFT has become extremely deranged, disturbed and unstable.
53 happy memories upon turning 53
1 day ago