Tonight starting at 6 pacific /9 eastern: LIVE BLOGGING THE DEBATE.
Then, after, join me on Blog Talk Radio for a post debate wrap up show. 8 pacific/11 eastern. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE.
6:00-Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Gwennie!!!! She'll HAVE to be fair now because of the news. Domestic and foreign policy matters.
6:03- Can I call you Joe? First question is on the $700 Billion bailout @ Biden. First answer out of Biden is to BLAME BUSH. The policies of the last 8 years is at fault. Now Joe is talking about Barry. Basically rehashing Barry from last week.
6:06- Palin sounds strong. She is using the word fear too much, we all know the lefty bastages will jump on that. Now she is slapping Biden.... McCain is not Bush, HE called for oversight. Kinda kills Bidens argument.
6:07- Biden's," I have a bracelet too" moment. I have friends on both sides. Calls on McCain saying the economy was strong. And flip flopping. McCain is out of touch.
6:08- OOOHHH Palin comes back with a great answer for what McCain "meant". The American workforce.
6:10- Question...Who was at fault for the sub prime issue. Palin calls on the predatory lenders. Never again, let's come together and demand oversight. LOVE favorite line, take personal responsibility.
6:11- Biden is saying that McCain thought that the answer was the tried and true Republican response "deregulate". Obama was calling for answers and McCain was touting deregulation.
6:13- Palin comes back... 94 times Obama supported tax increases. It's about jobs. Government is going to have to live with less. Biden says she is totally NOT correct. John McCain voted the same. 477 times. Biden is hammering her on NOT answering the question on deregulation.
6:15- She hammers back saying I will answer how I like.
6:16- Question (Gwen attacks Palin on taxes in her "question")-About taxes. No one making less than $250,000 people will not see any tax increase. 95% of the people will get a tax break??? Biden is back on the business tax cuts.
6:17-Palin comes back...she reminds him about small businesses. They will be effected. Palin: It's NOT patriotic to pay more taxes. Slap slap!!! Take that Biden. $5,000 tax credit from McCain. Calls Obama's plan universal health care.
6:20- Oh there goes Biden on the evil oil companies. Again with the 95% number. Man 95% is the magic number in Biden land. 20 million people will be dropped? From their health care. Ultimate Bridge to Nowhere. Audience reacted, nothing from Gwen to shut them up.
6:22- What will you hold up on after the bailout....Biden lists, like Obama all the things he will NOT "slow up on". Still not answering the question. Eliminate wasteful spending.
6:23- Energy plan Obama voted for that gave the money to the oil companies.Palin: In Alaska I had to take them on. I broke up a monopoly. I took on the oil companies. Barack gave the tax breaks and she had to undo his tax increases. Palin doesn't answer directly but what she is saying alone would cut money.
6:26- Biden actually SAYS he and Obama want to do what Palin did??? OMG he did. Basically saying she did it right.
6:27- Question on bankruptcy and making it harder for people to file for it. Neither is answering it. Biden is talking about how Obama and he differed, again. McCain was surprised by the sub prime. Biden advocates making mortgage companies to adjust rates.
6:30- Plain needs to answer the questions. She keeps going back and not answering the current question. And go's back. Ugggg!!!
6:31- Question on Global Warming.. I don't want to argue on the causes, I want to clean up this planet. Not a great answer. I'd have liked to see her say there is no global warming screw Algoracle. All of the above approach, conservation.
6:33- Biden comes out and says.. IT IS MANMADE. If you don't understand what the cause cannot come up with a solution. Biden claims his words were twisted on clean coal. Biden has the numbers.
Palin calls on Biden for his comment on raping the coastline by drilling off shore. Both agree on capping carbon emissions.
6:37- Same sex benefits for same sex. Biden: Absolutely. Same sex couples as the constitution calls for get the same rights as all.
6:38- Palin says she has no issue with same sex couple. She is tolerant. But we should not redefine marriage. Basically same as Biden. Just no on marriage. Biden says that he and Obama do not support gay marriage. So their answer is the same. They agree.
6:40- Foreign policy. Both of you have sons going to Iraq. Palin: The surge has worked. Obama voted against and Biden slapped Obama. She called him in that. He can't argue with that. Grow out military. We need to not QUIT.
6:42- 16 month withdrawl. That's the plan. Biden calls Palin on McCain not voting for the money for the troops because of the time line. 16 months. Period. For John McCain there is NO end in sight.
Plain: Your plan is a white flag of surrender in Iraq. The plan will come together when the commanders tell us the conditions on the ground are met. Pain brings up how Biden says he would love to run with McCain on the same ticket.
Biden get's flustered for the first time...."John McCain voted to cut off funding against it against it. Because of the time line." McCain has been dead wrong, Obama has been right????
6:45- Which is the gravest threat Pakistan or a nuclear Iran? Biden says Iran is NOT close to getting a nuke... what does he know that we don't? Help Pakistan? Do they need out help? Do they want it....we need to win the hearts and minds in Pakistan.
6:47- Plain- Petreus and Al Quaeda decided Iraq was the central focus in the war on terror. Plain takes a hard stance on Iran and Ahmadinejad. Brings up the meeting with no preconditions. She says that Obama is naive. Good point. These dictators can not be met with sitting down on a Presidential level, diplomacy is Important. Not meeting with the President with no preconditions.
I'm having a hard time deciding who is winning.
6:53- Biden says this administration has failed in foreign policy. Biden is the biggest friend of Israel. It is Bush's fault that Hamas and Hezbollah are in power. Bush's polices are an "abject failure." Plain says she is happy that her and Biden are both friends of Israel.
6:56- Palin: There is too much finger pointing to the past for a campaign that runs on change. Put partisanship aside. Biden: How is McCain going to be different than George Bush's. He's all over George Bush. He is the same. "We will make signifigant changes so once again we are respected in the world."
6:59: Palin: We need to make sure we are putting sanctions on these countries and work together so these countries do not aquire nukes. Palin: Obama said all we are doing is air raiding villages... that is NOT what we are doing.
Biden: The surge principal in Iraq WILL not work in Afghanistan. Our top general says according to Biden. I look forward to the fact checking on this debate. Can someone explain to me how we are supposed to act in Sudan...but not when Saddam was killing his own and paying terrorists? via twitter.
7:00-Beer break.
7:05- What did I miss. Biden is saying he voted for the war before he voted against it?
My fingers are tired.... Biden get's so repetitive it's boring. Is it just me?
Bidens spends a lot of time at Home Depot????? Give me a break.
Palin calls her and Biden's jokes "lame". A litle uncomfortable.
7:18- Conventional wisdom. Palin brings up her experience, huge energy producing state, her governorship, her business acumen. She IS main stream middle class America. American IS the shining city on a hill. Democracy, freedom...
7:21- Biden: I have excessive passion.. I am not going to change. He says I am not going to change, he is who he is... then says he is for change.Biden is a man of the people...Home Depot, single dad, out of work, down on his luck. Is he about to cry???? He's talking about a kitchen table and he looks like he is going to cry. NO MORE OF THE SAME.
Palin brongs up how McCain has been taken on by the other side, he is change he has voted against his party...not sure I like that Palin... but it is a good point. He's NOT Bush.
7:25- Biden keeps repeating himself it's very aggressive in a bad way and turns me off. So basically McCain has voted against welfare.
7:27- Last question,"What view have you had to change?"
Biden: His take on judges. It matter what your judicial philosophy is.
Plain: I did not veto budgets. When she disagreed with the budget but didn't have the support. But she will not and has not compromised her beliefs.
Gwen: How do you change the tone in DC?
Biden: I have been able to work across the aisle. He says he does not question the motives, maybe the judgment of other senators.
Palin: You walk the walk not just talk the talk.
Palin closing statement: Thanks to all, good to debate and speak to the people. She digs at the media for,"telling people what was said." Palin-We are blessed.
Biden closing statement: Thanks to all. The last 8 years we have been dug into a hole.. Blame Bush... again. That is ALL they run on.
Sad. I don't know who won this one. What do you think?
7:37- I would love to know what Biden and Palin were talking about after the debate.
@ 7:05 AM Pacific time:
28% 102,607
70% 254,764
2% 6,263
Total Votes: 363,634
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Live Blogging The Debate: Palin Vs. Biden
Posted by Unknown at 10/02/2008 01:45:00 PM
Labels: Jenn of the Jungle, Live Blogging Debate, The Political Jungle Radio
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