Not that this is NEW news, but it seems it's finally being picked up:
"Iraq's Foreign Minister Moshyar Zebari told the New York Post's Amir Taheri that Obama made delaying the troops' return a key theme of his talks with Iraqi leaders during his campaign stop in Baghdad last July.
"He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the U.S. elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington," Zebari told Teheri, on the record."
Screw The Washington Times and screw The Drudge Report, this shit is already out there.I want definitive PROOF he has done this before I crucify his words, but this story doesn't not seem to be dying the death Obama and Co. want it to. By the way, the New York Post's Amir Taheri, claims he has it ON RECORD.
Clear Logan Act Violation.
Here's the story from the Washington Times.
53 happy memories upon turning 53
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