On Saturday night I was on Blog Talk Radio doing a kind of "for the fun of it" show when Saturday Night Live came on.
Halfway into the show I interrupted the phone conversation to tell everyone that OMG!!!!! SNL was ACTUALLY skewering George Soro's, Barney Frank, Nancy pelosi and pretty much the entire leftist Congress for their part in the the sub-prime crisis. It was an incredible skit. For the first time in as long as I could remember, a funny skit actually held the truth.
We were all amazed as I held the phone up to the TV to listen to the skit.
So... This morning I thought I would put it on here on the blog to share with those of you who missed it.
And lo and behold......everywhere I look it's not to be found.
Not here, or here, or even here.
Now why is that do you think? I mean here you had a seriously funny SNL skit that bitch slapped the hell out of Pelosi, Frank, Congress and even Soros. Not sure what the folks at Saturday Night Live think they are hiding from us.
UPDATED: And here it is....found another copy.
NFL 2024-2025 Wildcard Prequel
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