Saturday, November 01, 2008

Liberal Derangement Syndrome Run Amok

In what has to be probably the most vile, disgusting and sick display of partisanship in an online publication EVER, welcome to the "Hell Houses" of Seattle.

The story comes complete with full addresses of the Republican's homes, so as to give direction to the pitch fork wielding leftards of greater Seattle.
Hell Houses
Topography of Terror: The Eastside Edition

6*** SE **nd St, Mercer Island

"Hungarian peasants have an old and terrible story about "the tree of death," which by some trick of evil had lurking in its twisted branches the "dark lord," the master of the underworld, the evil that brings all things to their end. It was there in the tree, waiting, watching, and preying on the living. Passing this dead—nay, murdered—tree on Mercer Island takes us back to the scariest bowels of Hungary, only instead of one dark lord, this tree is possessed by a trinity of evil, represented quite fittingly by cheap glossy crassness tacked over mercilessly hacked nature."

One would be inclined to think this article was written tongue in cheek, but after pursuing the "paper", it's clear it is not. Here's what passes for a "comic" in this paper:

How about what one can find in the classified section:
2008 Northwest Socialist Conference, Nov 7-9
Building a Revolutionary Alternative
Seattle Central Community College, BE 1110

Of course the Obama propaganda on the site is in full effect.
H/T to reader Witness.

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