Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama Birth Certificate Issue

Funny, a story that has the potential to rock The White House, Obama's possible ineligibility to serve in the office of President due to his possible place of birth being KENYA, is being ignored completely by ALL of the MSM. Sure it's probably a load of malarkey, but then again it's very interesting considering the case could hold far ranging ramifications. Especially in terms of anchor babies.

Today, Clarence Thomas has agreed to look at Leo C. Denofrio’s case in regard to eligibility and meaning of the term "natural born citizen".

"He submitted an application for an emergency stay to prohibit the use of what he called “defective ballots” in the state of New Jersey because they contained ineligible candidates for the office of President of the United States, and asked that the court order New Jersey Secretary of State (SOS) Nina Mitchell Wells to remove the names of Republican candidate John McCain, Democratic candidate Barack Obama and Socialist Workers Party candidate Roger Calero from New Jersey ballots.

According to Denofrio, the three candidates are not “natural born citizens,” as required by the Constitution to hold the office of President of the United States."

Very Interesting.

The American Thinker sums it up exactly as I have for the last few weeks:
Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Legitimate
"The question not being asked by the holders of power, who dismiss this as a rightwing conspiracy, is what's the downside of disclosing? This is a legitimate issue of inquiry because Barack Obama has turned it into one. The growing number of people who demand an answer in conformance with the Constitution are doing their work; the people's watchdogs aren't."

There's always this as well:

Vewy Intewesting.

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