Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Nation Of Cowards

Not surprisingly Obama's pick for United States Attorney General, Eric Holder is off to a rousing start in his career.

"In his first major speech since being confirmed, the nation's first black attorney general told an overflow crowd celebrating Black History Month at the Justice Department the nation remains "voluntarily socially segregated."

"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," Holder declared."

But let's think about what he said here.
1) "Voluntarily socially segregated." And his point? Just like the fish in my fish tank that seems to be human/animal nature. The zebra danios stay with the zebra danios. The neon tetra's with the neon tetra's.

2) Because we do not spend 24/7 addressing race we're cowards? Or is he calling out the liberals who have politically corrected us into a corner? Is he talking about Rev. Wright? Or Pfleger? Or Obama's own take on "typical white people"? Or is he calling out the white guilt peeps, who voted for Barry simply based on the color of his skin? Because NO ONE in their right mind would have voted for him for "experience" since he had ZERO.

Well anyhoo...Thanks Eric for calling us cowards, that means a lot and I am sure Al Jazeera will happily replay that clip for years to come.

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