More unfairness doctrine talk from Harkin...On Bill "The Libtard" Press's show today: SENATOR TOM HARKIN (D-IA):"Exactly, and that's why we need the fair -- that's why we need the Fairness Doctrine back." They need it back because libtard talk radio FAILS? It fails because no one wants to here whining liberals whine.
More sickness from Illinois...."Hundreds of students have allegedly been beaten by teachers, coaches and staff at Chicago Public Schools."
The moral decay is spreading...."Teenagers spend an average of 31 hours a week online and nearly two hours a week looking at pornography." I don't know about you but at that age I was OUTSIDE or hanging out with my friends.
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Benjamin Netanyahu booth claim victory in Israel.
Stump the Sussex Spaniel named best in show @ Westminster and PETA shows up dressed in KKK garb. Morons.
"Bishop Richard Williamson's denial of the Holocaust has done serious damage to the Catholic Church. In an e-mail and fax exchange with SPIEGEL, the ultra-conservative bishop says that he is willing to "review the historical evidence." Screw him.
Man arrested with rifle said he had delivery for Obama....Idiot.
The "Octuplet Mom" not only received 165,000 in "disability" pay from the taxpayers of California while she had her first 6 kids, she's received multiple student loans which she HAS used and says she plans to KEEP using, to support her 14 children. 3 of the children are on disability as well for mental issues and of course the whole family is on food stamps. She should be told to get a job and all fund taken away. Period.
Brett Favre is FINALLY retiring. Good riddance.
The CEO's of several large banks that have received funds from the government as part of the Wall Street bailout are testifying on Capitol Hill about how they used public money.....Finally some disclosure.
Trump Trade Tactics against Canada and Greenland
11 hours ago