Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama's Prime Time Speech -Teleprompter In Chief

Once again Obama took to the prime time airwaves at the cost of millions in lost revenue for the channels involved. And said jack.

I listened. He blamed Bush, line..."I inherited 1.3 trillion in debt". Then a media peep said,"But uh, you just increased it another 3.6 ADDITIONAL, with interest". Uh, Uh, Uh........I actually thought he would be a tough adversary, I was wrong. Barack Obama is a moron.


LOL....."What kind of politician brings a teleprompter to a news conference?

A careful one.

President Barack Obama took no chances in his second prime-time news conference, reading a prepared statement in which he took both sides of the AIG bonus brouhaha and asked an anxious nation for its patience."

Exactly. What kind of President brings a teleprompter to a press conference? So now we know FOR A FACT that the media's questions were preplanned, which is par for the course with Barry's Presidency. Additionally, he sounded confused, lost and was stuttering as well, must have been an off night for the TOTUS.

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