Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Race Card/ Leftist Outrage of the Week

Another week, another race card party.
"An email ripe with racist slurs -- crudely presented as a mock debate between President Obama and Sen. John McCain -- sent by a member of Staten Island's Community Education Council to dozens of recipients, including other members of the public schools' parent advisory board, is stirring outrage among African American leaders, who anonymously received a copy of the offensive communiqué and plan to take action.

The mock photo strip, sent Jan. 4 by Salvatore Ballarino, the borough president's appointee to the volunteer board, features cartoon-like speech balloons drawn out of McCain's mouth referencing lynching African Americans and equating African American babies with excrement."
Oh no an evil e-mail...my goodness heaven forbid people use their delete button and move on. Oh no we don't want to do that let's get PISSED off and scream racism!!!!

"Jokes are jokes, but this goes beyond what you might regard as a harmless joke. This is very offensive," said Edward Josey, the president of the Staten Island NAACP, noting the group decided at its meeting last week to make their feelings known publicly. "If he's telling jokes of this nature, how sincere is he about educating all the children of Staten Island?"

I wonder where douche bags like this guy were when this was going around:

Or this:

Or this:

I mean are we going to have 4 years of every time someone sends an off color e-mail the NAACP goes batshit? Sharpton and Jackson call for people's heads on a platter and angry race card player take to the streets? HELP!!!

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