Friday, March 13, 2009

Screw The ACLU

Kids, are kids. They are MINORS. They cannot vote. They are not allowed to drive until they reach 16. They are not allowed to drink alcohol, take meds at school or smoke. But somehow the ACLU thinks it's cool if they leave campus without parental consent to get an abortion.

From MY neck of the woods down here in San Diego County:

"The ACLU is threatening to sue a California school district after it changed a policy to require teenagers get parental consent to leave campus for confidential medical services.

The Vista Unified School District board voted unanimously Thursday to change its existing policy that allowed students to be excused for confidential appointments — including abortions — without notifying parents, according to the North County Times."

The ACLU's BS argument is that abused kids won't want to tell their parents blah,blah,blah. That's a total crock. They MAY account for less than .o1% of these cases. No way in hell should a minor CHILD be getting an medical procedure as life altering as an abortion without parental knowledge. Un-frikkin'-believable.

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