Texas Governor Rick Perry kicks ass and takes names....
Hispanic groups call for Census boycott...
LOL...Sarkozy not a fan of King Barry....See's Barry for what he is...empty suit.
I expect the Leftards to be OUTRAGED..... The NSA intercepted private e-mail messages and phone calls of Americans in recent months on a scale that went beyond the broad legal limits established by Congress last year....NOT Bush's fault.
Don't blame Domino's Pizza for two filthy employee's.....
Kick the bitch out....Napolitano Apologizes for Offending Veterans After DHS Eyes Them for 'Rightwing Extremism'...sometimes an apology is NOT enough. This is one of those times.
Anderson Cooper seems very familiar with teabagging....
NFL 2024-2025 Wildcard Prequel
1 day ago