The Obama administration clearly hates right wingers, that doesn't surprise me. But the loathing for troops, well that's not surprising either. But this is getting ridiculous.
I see a pattern. First Obama's fake "I've got a bracelet too" thing back during the debates. The total shunning of our troops in Germany, which did not serve his nefarious purposes because it couldn't be turned into a photo op.
Then late last week it came out that his DHS Ho-bag Janet Napolitano comes out with the report:"Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." Which features returning soldiers supposedly turning into, I kid you not: Terrorist Cells.
Now, Veterans a Focus of FBI Extremist Probe....yup. What's next? White poodles are racist and the Flag is being banned?
53 happy memories upon turning 53
23 hours ago