MEDIA BANNED:"....the president banned most reporters from nearly every event he held on a day busy with bilateral talks with foreign leaders, and even held cameras at bay for his visit to Buckingham Palace to meet the queen. The Obama team offered up top officials to brief the bored press, but then demanded they only be identified as "senior administration officials" and banned cameras."
"Barack Obama met the Queen at Buckingham Palace today and gave her a gift of an iPod....The Queen already has an iPod, a 6GB silver Mini version she bought in 2005..."
More Barry lies:"I can make a firm pledge," he said in Dover, N.H., on Sept. 12. "Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes." Really? "The largest increase in tobacco taxes took effect despite Obama's promise not to raise taxes of any kind on families earning under $250,000 or individuals under $200,000." Not ANY of my taxes? Really? LIAR.
Obama disses Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland...."We owe so much to England; that when you come here there’s that sense of familiarity, as well as difference, that makes it just a special place," he said. IT'S GREAT BRITAIN YOU ASS. What President doesn't know that? Oh, yeah, BARACK.
Car and Driver Magazine made an April Fools Day joke stating that Obama has banned Chevrolet and Dodge from NASCAR...Who, guess they learned the hard way not to joke about His Majesty....see THIS.
Add another one to the long list of tax cheats and losers Obama has hired..."Kathleen Sebelius, President Obama’s nominee to become Health and Human Services secretary, said in a letter obtained by the Associated Press that she made “unintentional errors” on her taxes and has corrected her returns from three different years."
More Democrats Gone Wild:
"More than 500 people who are upset with a plan to change Iowa's tax laws were cleared from a hearing tonight at the Iowa House after they interrupted multiple times. House Speaker Pat Murphy, D-Dubuque, cleared the crowd at about 8:30 p.m."...Heaven forbid taxpayers be allowed to comment about THEIR TAXES.
Environazi's in Washington state ban dish washing detergent. Welcome back bootlegging...Spokane residents smuggle suds over green brands....
"Attorney General Eric Holder -- "horrified" by allegations of prosecutorial misconduct in the corruption conviction of former Sen. Ted Stevens -- will instruct deputies to withdraw the indictment against the Alaska Republican today, effectively voiding the conviction that cost Stevens his job....." Nothing to see here move along.
Housing, Building Codes, and State-Level Reform
16 hours ago