Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Joe Biden: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Ah Biden....well at least there's one person in the Obama administration who speaks his mind, plainly and simply. Biden just lays it all out there. Not sure why he was deemed so intellectually advanced over Sarah Palin. That being said, I'd have Joe Biden as our president in a heartbeat over The Won. I mean the guy seems incapable of lying, even when he's trying.

"The Obama administration this week was compelled, once again, to explain and defend the vice president after he made some tough comments about Russia.

Biden had suggested in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that Russia would have no choice but to cooperate with the United States because it is on the brink of sharp decline.

After a rebuke from the Kremlin, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton walked back the remarks."

You git dem Russkies Joe!