Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy Dies: Updated

Ted Kennedy is dead. He was 77. He killed a woman a long time ago and his constituents kept reelecting him. He was a far left extremist with NIMBY issues.

May he rest.

UPDATED: We all knew this was coming....
Senator Robert Byrd:

"In his honor and as a tribute to his commitment to his ideals, let us stop the shouting and name calling and have a civilized debate on health care reform which I hope, when legislation has been signed into law, will bear his name for his commitment to insuring the health of every American."

That was fast yet predictable.

Remembering Ted Kennedy:
On the troop surge: "An immense new mistake."
On supporting Amnesty for illegals crossing the Rio Grande: "I just couldn't bear the though of anyone drowning in a river while trying to make a better life for themselves."

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