Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Attacking Rush Limbaugh And Fox News

Rumors are circulating that Rush Limbaugh wants to purchase the St. Louis Ram's. The leftards and race card players are going ballistic. The truth? He is part of a group of people considering buying it. But that doesn't stop Rev Al and folks on the left from screaming RAT.

Now they are going all batshit crazy making up fake racist quotes and attributing them to Rush Limbaugh in an attempt to smear his name and dissuade him from purchasing the Ram's.

What fake quotes are they using?

"Slavery has it's merits". Yup MSNBC ran with this quote, which has been attributed to a leftist blogger, Jack Huberman. MSNBC's source for the quote? James Farrior of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I mean COME ON!!!!

Another fake quote circulating is that,"he called for the Medal of Honor to be given to the individual who killed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.". For Pete's sake. Rush has said some stupid shit but come on.

Anita Dunn, White House communications director, steps up her anti-Fox News rhetoric with this gem, "They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that's fine. But let's not pretend they're a news network the way CNN is."

Yeah Anita at least Fox has opposition on air. If CNN is a news network then I am Cindy Crawford.

The whining, crying and pathetic hate filled diatribes emanating from this administration and it's minions is curious. As Obama stated, HE WON. So why are they whining? Pathetic.

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